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Face Masks as Art Form

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Indigenous artists in Canada creating masks, using traditional materials, to express their emotions about the pandemic.

Following OGN Daily's article about face masks for fashionistas and mere mortals, and the inevitable outpouring of football team branded masks, it's lovely to hear the story of two young Métis artists - an indigenous peoples in Canada - making face masks from traditional materials and sharing the story of their creation on facebook. It's open to all artists regardless of their heritage or ethnicity.

The group’s two creators felt overwhelmed by emotion surrounding the pandemic and were both finding it hard to work on their art. In the act of making masks, which to them symbolize protecting others in the community, they found a way to channel those feelings into art, and wanted to share that creative outlet with others. The group now has more than 1,200 members.

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