An archeological team in Venezuela has discovered 20 rock art sites that date back thousands of years.

While archaeologists have found similar rock art designs elsewhere in South America, the newfound art "represents a new culture previously unknown," says José Miguel Pérez-Gómez, an archaeologist and researcher at Simón Bolívar University in Caracas who is leading the team.
Some of these designs, which researchers call "pictograms," were drawn in red and depict geometric motifs such as lines of dots, rows of X's, star-shaped patterns and straight lines that connect together to form a variety of designs. There are also simple depictions of leaves and stick figure drawings of people. Additionally, some of the images, called petroglyphs, were incised into the rock and also show a variety of geometric motifs.

"It is almost impossible to get into the minds of people living so many [thousands of] years ago" Pérez-Gómez said, but "definitely these signs had a ritual meaning." For instance, the different depictions may be related to birth, diseases, the renewal of nature or good hunting. The places where the rock art was created "most probably had a meaning and an importance within the landscape, just as the churches have a meaning for people today," Pérez-Gómez added.
While it's unknown exactly how old the rock art is, similar rock art in Brazil has been dated to around 4,000 years ago. However, Pérez-Gómez thinks that the examples in Venezuela may be older.
The discovery was made in Canaima National Park, in the southeastern part of the country. The park is also home to the Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall on land in the world.