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Bald Eagle Nest Live-Cam Welcomes Baby

Hundreds of thousands of online viewers around the world were thrilled when bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow welcomed a new member to their family. The eaglet has grown up quite considerably now, and is will shortly be learning to fly...

Head of an adult bald eagle putting its beak very close to a tiny baby eaglet

The eaglet hatched 120 feet up a pine tree near Big Bear Lake in Southern California’s San Bernadino National Forest during the afternoon of 4 March. It marks the first chick to be born to the couple in over two years.

Jackie and Shadow have gained quite a global following since the organization installed an unobtrusive live camera near their nest more than two years ago. The couple’s daily exploits have been viewed more than 21 million times on YouTube alone.

Now, devoted viewers are watching the couple take turns with the new eaglet and it won't be long until the eaglet will learn to fly, normally at 10 to 12 weeks.

Young bald eagles have less than a 50 percent chance of surviving their first year, but so far the eaglet appears to be doing well.

“The chick is being fed 9 plus times a day and Shadow continues to bring in fish after fish after fish,” says a recent post on Facebook. “The male provides most of the food for the first few weeks.”

The Bald Eagle was chosen as the national emblem of the United States in 1782 and they were given legal protection beginning in 1940, due to the severe threat of extinction. The bird was taken off the threatened and endangered species list in 2007.

Want to take a look inside the nest? Click below


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