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Funny Signs Outside a Texas Restaurant

OGN last featured some of the hilarious signs outside the El Arroyo restaurant during one of the many lockdowns, but it's good to see that the team in Texas have still got a tremendous sense of humour!

The signs are a great way of drawing the attention of passers-by and always contain funny messages designed to brighten up the day. You can keep tabs on their latest messages by following El Arroyo on Instagram or Facebook.

In the meantime, here are half a dozen of their funny signs that made us chuckle at OGN Towers.

Hilarious sign outside El Arroyo, Texas

Hilarious sign 2 outside El Arroyo, Texas

Hilarious sign 3 outside El Arroyo, Texas

Hilarious sign 4 outside El Arroyo, Texas

Hilarious sign 5 outside El Arroyo, Texas

Hilarious sign 6 outside El Arroyo, Texas

Follow El Arroyo on Instagram or Facebook. Or book a table via their website.

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