Three of last week's most popular articles on OGN Daily, plus the most watched (hilarious) mood boosting video.
Choline: Little-Known Nutrient For Boosting Brain Health. Getting enough omega 3? Tick. Plenty of antioxidants from fruit and veg? Tick. But what about choline?
Collection of Amusing Jokes: Hopefully the new texting acronym IJBOL (definition at base of page) will be appropriate for at least one of these jokes. It's good to laugh...
More Good News About Coffee: Drinking up to three cups of coffee a day can prolong your life, but only if you drink the right kind. A huge study has some important insights regarding our caffeine habits...
Most watched video: Australian Reporter Tells Joke to Dalai Lama About The Dalai Lama. He calls it his most successful joke ever.
Today's Articles
What Went Right Last Week: Synopsis of the week's most important good news from around the world. Highlights...
Truly Remarkable Story: 61 year old farmer wearing work boots wins 544 mile Australian Ultra-marathon. Inspiring...
World's Oldest Pyramid: If you thought the ancient inhabitants of Egypt or South America were the first to build pyramids then think again. Gunung Padang...
Gen Z and Millennials: Many view social media stardom as a bonafide career choice, so an education ecosystem - from middle school to college - now supports those ambitions. Influencers...
Stunning Images: This year's Nature Photographer of the Year award winners are wildly beautiful. Snap happy...
Great Short Jokes: A dozen one-liners and short jokes from some of Britain's finest comics. It's good to laugh...