The cleanest waste-to-energy power plant in the world, in Denmark's capital city, is topped by an artificial ski slope that's open all year round.

OK, so you're unlikely to book your next ski holiday there, but if you happened to fancy a blast down the 400m artificial piste, the option is there. This extraordinary multi-purpose building also welcomes non-skiers to its rooftop bar, cross-fit area, 85m climbing wall (the tallest artificial climbing wall in the world) and 500m hiking and running trail within a "lush" garden. Not bad for a power plant located on an industrial waterfront that is also capable of converting 440,000 tons of waste into clean energy annually. That's enough to heat 150,000 homes.
Copen Hill, as the plant is called, is a crystal clear example of hedonistic sustainability. Don't you just love that description? It means that a sustainable city is not only better for the environment, it's also more enjoyable for the lives of its citizens.
Better yet, it is expected that the building will help Copenhagen meet its goal of becoming the world's first carbon-neutral city by 2025.
Copen Hill's ski slope runs from the top of the 90m high building to its base, with a 180 degree turn halfway down the piste. The artificial ski slope is green, giving it a friendlier, more agreeable look during the summer months.
Blue Sky Thinking: Copenhagen is leading the way in the transformation to being a 'clean' city. Others are trying hard too, but the world needs more 'people and planet first' thinking and leadership.