For this year’s competition, Google asked America's K-12 students nationwide to interpret the prompt, “My wish for the next 25 years…”

The winner will be featured on the search engine’s homepage, plus receive a $55,000 college scholarship, plus a $50,000 technology package for the school that the winner attends.
What’s your wish for the next 25 years? Chances are, you’re hoping for some positive changes - perhaps a better job or the opportunity to travel more - but you may want other things to stay the same. Such was the case for Maisie Derlega, a recent high school graduate whose illustrative and heartwarming answer to that question earned her the title of the 2024 Doodle for Google winner.

Derlega’s artwork, titled 'Family Dinner', was one of tens of thousands of submissions, but hers was picked for the Biggest Smile Award. She told Google in an interview: “My dad is a chef, and so food and dinner tables have always been a safe space for bonding with the people who are important to me. I have so much I wish for in the future, but I wanted my wish to be something I have the power to control. It is up to me to keep these people close, and I will.”
The five finalists earned recognition for creating values-driven Doodles that dreamt and aspired towards a better, bolder future. Take a look...