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Imagine a World Without Caesars

Taking a swipe at Mark Zuckerberg, a T-shirt worn by Bluesky’s CEO at SXSW has become an accidental best seller.

Bluesky CEO Jay Graber
Jay Grabber | SXSW

When Bluesky CEO Jay Graber walked on stage at SXSW in Austin, Texas, wearing a dark T-shirt that subtly took a stab at Mark Zuckerberg, she probably was not aware that she had stumbled upon her company’s next big moneymaker, says Fortune.

The black shirt with black lettering was a dopelganger of one the Meta CEO wore onstage recently. Zuckerberg’s read “Aut Zuck aut nihil,” a self-promotional reworking on the Latin phrase “Aut Caesar aut nihil,” which means “Either Caesar or nothing.”

Graber’s read “Mundus sine caesaribus” - “a world without Caesars.” The shirt turned heads and, before long, Bluesky began selling them for $40. Within one day, it made more from the sale of those shirts than it did in the past two years selling custom domains, the company’s chief operating officer reported.

Proceeds raised from the sale of the shirts will be used to benefit the AT Protocol developer ecosystem, the open network that Bluesky is built upon.

South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual conglomeration of parallel film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences organized jointly that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas. It began in 1987 and has continued growing in both scope and size every year.

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