John Cronin, a 28-year-old entrepreneur with Down Syndrome, started John's Crazy Socks in 2016.

The Farmingdale, New York-based company now sells more than 4,000 different types of socks and has, says the New York Post, hit a major milestone: over two million orders fulfilled.
John's Crazy Socks also sells special designs that raise awareness for Down Syndrome and autism, and gift packs, like a women's dog rescue gift containing three different pairs of dog-themed socks.
John, along with his parents Mark and Carol, and his older brother Jamie run the business together. It has grown to become the world's largest sock company, says the Post.
John started the business with the mission of "spreading happiness." He even handwrites a thank you note and includes two free pieces of candy with every order. At the start of the company's journey, he would often hand-deliver orders to customers. Over the past eight years, John's Crazy Socks has donated nearly $800,000 to charities, including the Special Olympics.
John's father, Mark, says that the business began when John was exploring his options after high school. "John could not find anything that excited him. This is an unfortunate reality that there are just not enough good options for people with different abilities."
John wanted to go into business with his dad and came up with the idea of selling socks. So, the father-son duo built a website, got some inventory, and set up a Facebook page with some promotional videos starring John. The first day they opened their virtual storefront, just before Christmas in 2016, they got 42 orders. In the next two weeks, they got 452 orders.
Fast forward eight years and John's Crazy Socks has now sold over two million pairs and the company employs 34 people, 22 of whom are people with differing abilities.