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More Land for Golf Courses Than for Solar or Wind

Countries like the UK and the US, have much more land allocated for golf courses than renewable energy facilities.

A golf course and wind turbines in Wulfen, Germany
Golf course and wind turbines in Germany | Benny / Flickr

The amount of land needed for renewable energy projects is sometimes criticized, but a new study Countries Across The World Use More Land For Golf Courses Than Wind or Solar Energy - published in the journal Environmental Research Communications - points out that, in certain countries, more land gets allocated for golf courses than renewable energy facilities.

“Land use is a critical factor in the siting of renewable energy facilities and is often scrutinized due to perceived conflicts with other land demands. Meanwhile, substantial areas are devoted to activities such as golf, which are accessible to only a select few and have a significant land and environmental footprint,” the authors of the study wrote. However, the authors say that they "don’t suggest eliminating golf courses, but it highlights the potential of rethinking land use to boost renewable energy."

Golf courses have an outsized environmental impact, as they usually require chemical treatments and large amounts of water. On the other hand, solar farms, wind turbines and other renewable energy installations offer an option for sustainable land use that directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

“These findings underscore the untapped potential of rethinking land use priorities to accelerate the transition to renewable energy,” the authors wrote in the study.

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