New smart glove translates sign language directly into speech. The inventors believe the innovation could allow for easier communication for deaf people.

It's estimated that between 100,000 and 1 million people use American Sign Language in the United States and, of course, many more around the world. The inherent problem is that people trying to communicate with others who don't know sign language, more often than not need someone else to translate for them. However, courtesy of a new invention by scientists at UCLA, that may no longer be necessary, reports CNN.
They have recently developed a smart glove that translates sign language into speech in real-time, potentially allowing deaf people to communicate directly with anyone, without the need for a translator.
The wearable device works with the help of sensors that run along the four fingers and thumb to identify each word, phrase, or letter as it is made in American Sign Language. Those signals are then sent wirelessly to a smartphone, which translates them into spoken words at a rate of one word per second.
“Our hope is that this opens up an easy way for people who use sign language to communicate directly with non-signers without needing someone else to translate for them,” said lead researcher Jun Chen.