There's more to life than kale and broccoli. Here are five other superfoods to boost your inner strength.

Probiotic cheese: The University of Turku in Finland has shown that eating probiotic cheese can help improve the immune response - an innovative way to thwart deterioration of the immune system. Aged cheese is a first-rate source of probiotics as, during the ripening process, bacteria spontaneously grow. Aged and vintage Gouda are excellent sources. You can also buy cheese to which probiotic bacteria have been added.
Apples: The old saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is true, says the University of Illinois. It found that pectin, the soluble fibre found in apples, caused immune cells to become anti-inflammatory, speeding healing from infection. Apples also contain flavonoids, which work as antioxidants in the body.
Golden kiwi fruit: Research by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health found that this type of kiwi fruit is packed with ingredients that protect you against damage from free radicals. If you can't find the golden variety, panic not, there are a host of good reasons for eating kiwi fruit.
Mushrooms: A study at Pennsylvania State University showed that five different types of edible mushroom stimulate the immune system: white button, crimini, maitake, oyster and shiitake - confirming previous research.
Olive oil: Alagappa University, India, have clearly illustrated that olive oil - an excellent source of vitamin E and mono-unsaturated fats - is good for both the heart and the immune system, guarding against oxidative stress (which produces free radicals) as well as DNA damage.