A woman in Indiana sent a gift to an expecting couple in California after she received an invite to their baby shower by accident.

David Amastae and Candace Countryman recently welcomed their baby girl, Luna. Prior to their daughter being born, the couple, who live in California, had been preparing for the baby shower and sent out e-vites via text message.
In error, a message was sent to Angela White's phone, who lives in Indiana.
"Every time I thought about it, I was like I didn't get that text just randomly," White told Fox59. "I don't know why, but there was a reason why I got that text and e-vite to that shower."
Those thoughts nudged White to send the couple a gift through her small business, Brayve Blanket Co. In her special delivery to the couple, she included a letter explaining the error and why she felt compelled to send it over.
"I just couldn't get that feeling to go away, so I made the blanket and sent it with hopes it would make its way to them and it did," she said.
Countryman and Amastae said they were blown away by White's act of kindness and how someone they never met could be so generous to them from thousands of miles away.