Wednesday's global round up of tasty bite-sized chunks of positive news.

Monkey Cuddle
If this adorable monkey cuddle doesn’t bring a smile to your face, we don’t know what could. The Bronx Zoo’s new silvered langur baby, born in November, has just made its public debut. It’s a real treat for visitors to see the monkey’s “striking orange-colored coat,” as it will eventually turn silver like the adults. The Wildlife Conservation Society was instrumental in establishing the silvered langur program in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums network and continues to lead the management and sustainability of the population through a long-term and very successful breeding program.
Landmark Trial
NHS England will trial a tech-driven overhaul of breast cancer screening with a little help from EDITH. It stands for Early Detection using Information Technology in Health and involves trialling artificial intelligence to help radiologists spot changes in breast tissue that might indicate cancer. The £11m ($13.65) initiative is the world’s biggest to date and will involve two-thirds of around 700,000 mammograms being analysed by the AI model over the next few years. If successful, it could ultimately mean each mammogram would be scrutinised by just one specialist - plus EDITH - instead of the current two, freeing up doctors for other work and cutting waiting lists.

Chieftain's Stash
About 1,500 years ago, a powerful leader in present-day Denmark buried enough weapons and supplies to equip a small army. The chieftain’s stash includes swords, spears, lances, chainmail and the only known Roman helmet ever found in Denmark. Researchers from the Cultural Museum in Vejle discovered the site while performing excavations ahead of the construction of a new motorway. So far, they’ve unearthed more than 100 weapons at the site called Løsning Søndermark. “From the very first surveys, we knew this was going to be extraordinary, but the excavation has exceeded all our expectations,” said excavation leader Elias Witte Thomasen, an archaeologist at the Vejle Museum.

NYC Offshore Wind
New York City will soon be getting its own personal offshore wind farm. The Empire Wind 1 project just received a US$3 billion project financing package and is expected to go online in 2027, powering roughly half a million homes. A turbine-laden 80,000-acre plot of Atlantic Ocean - which is nearly half the size of NYC - could generate 810 MW if running efficiently at its designed capacity.
Brazil's Rural Schools
After 23 days of protests, Indigenous groups and teachers in the Brazilian state of Pará have successfully pressured Governor Helder Barbalho to revoke a controversial education law that favoured online learning in remote communities and slashed benefits for teachers.

Although you can indeed buy electric Vespas, there are tons of the iconic scooters that are still equipped with combustion engines. If you have one of those classic rides and want to make it electric, the Retrokit may be just what you're looking for. Manufactured by an Italian startup of the same name, the Retrokit consists of two main parts: a rear electric motor that replaces the Vespa's gasoline engine, and a removable lithium-ion battery pack that replaces the scooter's under-seat gas tank. Pricing for the kit starts at US$3,500, with international shipping available.
"I think we all learn from the past. I just feel we shouldn't live there. We shouldn't live in the past. I live for today, and to me, the most important moment is now." Shirley Temple
On This Day

12 February 1851: Gold was discovered in east-central New South Wales, sparking Australia's first gold rush.
Today's Articles
Mood Boosting Video
Spectacular: Precision drone flying around an erupting volcano.