Wrapping up the week with an eclectic selection of positive news nuggets.

Remarkable Survival
Ayub, a 4 year old boy, managed to survive in Kenya’s vast Tsavo East National Park for 6 days, despite the landscape teeming with dangerous wild animals. He was tracked by the locals from his village and an aircraft (normally used for anti-poaching duties) joined the search too. Happily, he was eventually found unhurt when the trackers picked up a new trail and directed the airplane to the area about 10 miles from the boy's village. It was the boy’s uncle who got to him first, picking him up and swinging him in the air. “When his mother saw him, she just burst into tears. She couldn’t believe it. She was totally in hysterics,” said the pilot.

'Extinct' Butterfly
Blink and you could miss them - but sightings of an extremely rare butterfly have set the hearts of enthusiasts fluttering. The species, declared extinct in Britain nearly 100 years ago, has suddenly re-appeared. Small numbers of black-veined whites have been spotted flying in fields and hedgerows in south-east London, after officially becoming extinct in in 1925.
End of Mosquito Bites?
Scientists in Israel have developed a super-repellent that can stop 99 percent of mosquitos from biting your skin. The formula is a combination of two natural components: indole, a fragrant substance found in flowers, and a polymer called cellulose. "The combination of this polymer and our repellent is the perfect personal protection system you could imagine, long range effect and long duration," said Dr. Jonathan Bohbot, the lead researcher. His team says it hopes to bring the new repellent to the market next year.
Renewables on a Roll
Renewables in Europe had a great spring. Solar and wind produced more than half of Portugal’s electricity for the first time in April; Spain managed to power 100 percent of its grid for nine hours with renewables; and Finland and Belgium have also broken energy records. 'The lightning pace of deployment, especially of solar, promises many more records to come this summer.'
Loopholes Closed
The UK has closed two loopholes in its conservation and animal rights laws. No new licences will be issued for animal testing of chemicals used exclusively as cosmetics ingredients, after exceptions were granted between 2019 and 2022, and a ban on ivory from hippopotamuses, orcas and walruses has been added to the 2018 Ivory Act.
Virus Blocking
Dengue cases have fallen to their lowest level in 20 years after mosquitoes infected with virus-blocking bacteria were released across Colombia’s Aburrá Valley. It's the largest release of Wolbachia mosquitos ever, causing incidence to fall by 94 percent across the cities of Medellín, Bello and Itagüí, home to more than three million people.
"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth." Muhammad Ali
On this Day
9 June 1781: English engineer George Stephenson, the principal inventor of the railroad locomotive, was born.
Many students play pranks on teachers, but a group of US teenagers went a step further by attempting to sell their school. Creative...
This versatile gizmo is one of those bits of tech you didn't know you wanted until someone comes up with the idea. StandbyMe Go...
The Last Terra Nullius: The only habitable area of land left on the planet that’s not claimed by any sovereign nation-state. Quirk...
Mood Booster
A flying visit to Yellowstone National Park.