This week's most popular good news articles on OGN Daily.
Has Mars Rover Discovered Clues to Alien Life? After uncovering a 'tantalizing' piece of circular sandstone, the excited NASA team tweeted: "Could it hold clues about ancient life?"
Senior with Alzheimer's has Lovely Surprise Every Day: Every day Gene McGehee comes out of his house to sit in the front yard at a particular time. As he has Alzheimer's, he doesn't really know why he does it but still feels compelled to do so.
Definitions of Words With One Letter Changed: The Washington Post asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Hilarious!
Like a Sun Flower: A new floating solar power farm is stalking the sun’s movements and radically improving conversion efficiency.