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Turns Out We've Been Storing Our Potatoes Incorrectly

Updated: May 14, 2024

New food advice u-turn could save you cash, help you avoid stinky cupboards, and keep food waste out of landfills.

Large bowl of potatoes

For years Brits have been told to keep potatoes in a cool, dark place and not the fridge because of concerns over acrylamide, which has been linked to cancer.

It was originally thought that storing raw potatoes in the fridge could lead to the formation of additional sugars which can then convert into acrylamide when tatties are fried, roasted or baked.

But the UK's Food Standard Agency has now updated its guidance to say this isn’t the case – and storing your potatoes in the fridge could actually dramatically reduce food waste.

Studies have found acrylamide can cause cancer in animals, and scientists believe it can cause cancer in humans as well. Therefore health bodies recommend limiting the amount of acrylamide we all consume as a precaution.

Acrylamide is a natural by-product of the cooking process and has always been present in our food. It’s typically found in roast potatoes, crisps and chips.

Previously it was believed storing potatoes in the fridge could increase the forming potential of acrylamide. But a study, which was reviewed by the Committee on the Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment, showed this isn’t the case.

Research from the Waste & Resources Action Programme has found that potatoes stored in the fridge can last more than three times as long compared with those stored in a cupboard. So, it's time to clear some space in your fridge!

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