Three of last week's most clicked upbeat articles and the most watched video.

A Penguin's Story: This is one of the most heart-warming true tales you're ever likely to read. So lovely...
Barb Heimer: It has been a crazy time for a woman called Barb Heimer once her Facebook profile was discovered and she unintentionally found herself in the whacky world of Barbenheimer...
Bear Goes Selfie-Crazy: A motion-activated camera in Colorado contained a surprise for officials monitoring wildlife activity. Snap happy...
Today's Articles
Bizarre Phenomenon: The ocean is still full of mysteries. One of the weirdest is a giant 'gravity hole' in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Anomaly...
Best One-Liners: Almost single handedly, Spike Milligan revolutionised comedy imagination and wit, inspiring the likes of Monty Python. Hilarious...
Hyper Voisins: Paris district sets up 'Republic of Good Neighbours'. A great idea that all cities could embrace. Friendly...
Online Atlas of Bird Migration: Remarkable new Audubon Society online tracker shows bird migrations across the Americas. Globetrotters...