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"We Are Not The 51st Anything"

OGN's Canadian readers may well have seen this update on a 20 year old Molson beer commercial, but sympathetic Americans (and others) may enjoy it too.

Still from "We Are Not The 51st Anything" video

Whilst Denmark has changed its royal coat of arms to emphasise that Greenland is not up for grabs, Canada is making its point in many different ways, including a new video...

For the second time in just over two decades, a lone figure takes to the stage, a giant maple leaf flag shimmering on a screen behind him as he approaches the microphone. The original was primarily about beer, the new take is specifically about nationhood. This time around the speaker's hair (it's the same guy from the original ad) is a tad greyer but the message remains the same: Canada will not cower to the United States.

“They mistake our modesty for meekness, our kindness for consent, our nation for another star on their flag and our love of a hot cheesy poutine with their love of a hot cheesy Putin,” says the man. "This is the birthplace of peanut butter and ketchup chips and yoga pants. It is the land of universal healthcare and the bench-clearing brawl, of innovation and optimism…"

“Are we perfect? No. But we are not the 51st anything.”

Replete with orchestral swells and chest-thumping patriotism, the latest viral video is a remake of the famous 2000 advert for Molson Canadian beer. Here it is...

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