Uplifting News
Only Good News Daily was launched in the Spring of 2020 as a counter-balance to the relentless bad news that pours forth from mainstream TV, radio and print media. OGN Daily's mission is simple: to seek out and publish nothing but uplifting news from around the world. Every day. It's not always 'news'. Sometimes we find amazing, uplifting videos (like Could You Be Loved) or beautiful re-workings of classic hits, like David Attenborough's gorgeous version of Louis Armstrong's sublime What a Wonderful World.
You can visit OnlyGoodNewsDaily.com whenever the mood suits you or enjoy finding a quick summary of uplifting news in your email in-box every morning by signing up to our daily bulletin. It's totally free! And only takes a few seconds. Plus, OGN promises to never share your details with anyone else. Ever.
OGN's team of editors (based in Europe, Asia, USA, Canada and Africa) scours the globe 24/7 seeking out all the most uplifting, positive and good news stories. The All News section features everything we publish and, from there, you can venture forth to the subjects that interest you most. Maybe you have something you think we should be publishing? If so, please don't hesitate to contact us.